Sunday, April 11, 2010

Red House Ideas and 3 bands to come to the red house!

Ideas for the Red House:

1. Get information to students through teachers, and daily orange. The most important speakers and events I hear about are through word of mouth or directly from my teachers.

2. Offer some sort of student work, or allow student bands to play in venue in order to attract more students to come down and experience the Red House. If students are coming to see and support their friends for the first time, they are more apt to return in the future.

3. Get flyers and posters up around campus and marshal street where there is a high density of students. In Shine student center, in art buildings where most students would be interested in an art gallery etc..

4. provide some sort of transportation- get an old school bus and paint it cool- attract attention so people are interested in finding more about the red house and what happens there

Band that should come to the red house:


-the rocket summer

-the beautiful girls

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