Sunday, February 21, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Written Reaction to the 11th hour

Watching part of the 11th was not only enough to scare me, but it also made me realize the horrific danger we are putting ourselves in due to mass production, pollution, and ultimatly damaging and disrespecting our own earth. It is stated in the begining of the movie "creation is the universe". This is further explained with the idea that 90% of human cells are not human. This was so ironic to me because I feel that as a human species we are so absorbed with ourselves. We only care about what will benefit us, make us a more superior species, when in reality we are only writing our own death wish. All other organisms do what is necessary to sustain themselves. We go above and beyond, fighting against mother nature with industry, politics, money and mass production. We remove millions of animals/trees/wildlife from our earth and replace them with unnatural man made, earth infecting products.

Photo Reaction to the 11th hour

Monday, February 1, 2010